How To

What Are Keno Patterns and How to Play Them

What are Keno patterns and how to play them
What are Keno patterns and how to play them

Keno Patterns

1.Methods and Patterns in Keno
2.Types of Keno Patterns
3.Four Card Keno
4.Twenty Card Keno
5.Multi Card Keno
6.How to form a Keno Pattern
7.Keno Patterns That Win

Keno Patterns

Keno patterns refer to specific combinations or groupings of numbers that some players believe can increase their chances of winning in the game of Keno. These patterns are based on various strategies, superstitions, or personal beliefs. It’s important to remember that Keno patterns are not based on any mathematical or statistical evidence that can guarantee success. The outcome of each Keno draw is entirely random, determined by a random number generator or physical ball drawing, and is independent of any previous results.

Here are a few common Keno patterns that some players may use:

  • Straight Lines: Players may choose to select numbers in straight lines on their Keno cards, such as vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. They believe that these patterns have a higher likelihood of being drawn.
  • Number Frequency: Some players observe the frequency of past winning numbers and choose to bet on numbers that have appeared more often. Conversely, others may select numbers that haven’t appeared recently, hoping that they are due for a win.
  • Hot and Cold Numbers: Hot numbers are those that have been frequently drawn in recent games, while cold numbers are those that have been rarely drawn. Some players choose to bet on hot numbers, assuming they have a higher chance of appearing again, while others bet on cold numbers, hoping for a statistical anomaly.
  • Birthdates and Anniversary Numbers: Players often select numbers based on significant dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other special events. These numbers hold personal meaning and may be chosen for sentimental reasons.
  • Random Selection: Many players prefer to rely on random number selection, either using Quick Pick options or simply choosing numbers at random. This approach eliminates any perceived patterns or biases and embraces the randomness of the game.

Enjoy Keno as a game of chance and consider patterns or strategies as personal preferences rather than reliable winning methods. Keno game uses an RNG system when it extracts the numbers; this means is extracting random numbers, without any connection with previous or next extractions. If you play online keno, you will notice the random number generated computer continuously fills in three or four numbers in a row or column. You might even start to recognize a pattern that looks like a box, or maybe like a hat, or perhaps a letter ‘L’ or ‘T’.

Methods and Patterns in Keno

Keno Patterns
Keno Patterns

If you keep looking, you might even eventually notice recurring patterns are occurring; this is all explainable by statistics. Since there are 20 numbers drawn out of a possible 80 (in a traditional game), 25% of the numbers on the board will be picked. With that high of a percentage being drawn, it’s far more likely to have several of the picked numbers adjoin one another than it would be to have them all land a space or two apart.

Also, your mind instinctively recognizes patterns or clusters, so when three or four numbers make a pattern over and over again by being right next to each other, you can’t ignore it. This is also the reason why you don’t seem to notice when a pair of numbers two rows down and three rows to the left of another number keeps popping up. They are too far away from each other for your brain to consider them part of a recurring pattern, but it happens just as often as the easily recognized three-in-a-row does, so keep this in mind.

This doesn’t necessarily mean your pattern will work. As said above due to online casinos being fair and random, there is no way a certain pattern can be programmed or avoided. But it can’t hurt to pick that random pattern to bet on if you start seeing it recurring.

Selecting patterns in a game is the most intriguing action, as request lots of patience and study. Choose consecutive numbers when you’re playing keno or bet on “hot” and “cold” numbers. Keno patterns involve mostly how numbers extracted in different sessions and places are repeated. Keep looking for numbers repeated over and over, as these numbers offer a bigger chance of winning. Some players use their favourite numbers to bets, such as family’s birth dates, ages or significant dates in their lives.

Types of Keno Patterns

Types of Keno Patterns
Keno Patterns can be straight patterns, box patterns, corner patterns and others

In Keno games, players often explore different types of patterns when selecting numbers. Not only in Australia, Canada offers Keno patterns game play too. While these patterns are not scientifically proven to increase winning odds, they add variety and excitement to the gameplay. Here are a few types of Keno patterns that players commonly use:

  • Straight Patterns: These patterns involve selecting numbers in a straight line on the Keno card. Examples include horizontal lines (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or vertical lines (e.g., 1, 11, 21, 31, 41). Straight patterns provide a structured approach to number selection.
  • Box Patterns: Box patterns involve selecting numbers to create a rectangular or square shape on the Keno card. For instance, players may choose four numbers in the shape of a square (e.g., 10, 11, 20, 21) or three numbers in a row, skipping one (e.g., 4, 6, 8).
  • Corner Patterns: Corner patterns involve selecting numbers in the corners of the Keno card. Players may choose four numbers in the corners (e.g., 1, 10, 70, 80) or two numbers diagonally across the card (e.g., 1, 80).
  • Split Patterns: Split patterns involve selecting numbers that are evenly split across the Keno card. For example, players may choose the first half of the numbers (e.g., 1 to 40) or split the card into thirds (e.g., 1 to 27, 28 to 54, 55 to 80).
  • Random Patterns: Some players prefer to select numbers randomly without following any specific pattern. This approach embraces the unpredictable nature of the game and allows for a more spontaneous selection process.

1. Four Card Keno

Four Card Keno pattern
Four Card Keno

In four card keno, the punter will choose between 2 to 10 numbers, but play on 4 tables at the same time. Playing 4 cards Keno is much better as your winning chances are higher; you can “hit” seven spots on half of these cards (2/4), which will offer you a pretty good jackpot. This is the pattern of winning at four cards Keno: playing of various combinations of numbers, “reduced” from a bigger number. Is about overlapping numbers on the cards. Splitting the numbers among those 4 cards will offer a better chance of winning. Choose numbers in quick succession like 20, 21, 22, 23; a total of 26, 28 and a total of 36, 37. It will be played at 3/3 (3 numbers of 3) with big chances to get out a single number.

2. Twenty Card Keno

20 card keno pattern
Twenty Card Keno

The twenty card Keno is similar to the four card Keno, the only difference is related to the number of numbers played. Play up to 20 numbers on your cards, deduct combinations of numbers, and play on more than 3 spots. The biggest winner is starting with 5 spots, but this will make it difficult how the numbers are distributed. Working with 20 numbers split within 20 cards it is a little bit difficult, but as long as your winning chances have a better way of improvement, then you should go for it. Share on three simple numbers varies between 63 and 70 (or others, depending on previous extractions). Find the combination of numbers that was repeated more often in the last 10-20 draw, then play 5 or 10 consecutive draws with a 4/6, 5/8, 6/10, but do not climb more than 6 / x (the more likely the smaller amount), i.e. calculating the minimum rate to win some (always keep your win).

3. Multi Card Keno

Multi card Keno
Multi card Keno

As long as you’re playing with multiple cards, your chances of winning are balanced; even if the odds are reduced, you will be able to open the path towards greater winnings. Choose to split the keno table into imaginary pieces to have a better view of it. Do whatever is necessary to keep your attention focused on all cards. These are the 5 hot numbers (often drawn): 23, 34, 72, 1 and 4.

Keno punters enjoy playing with various strategies or just following classic and popular patterns of the game. Whether they’re playing using dates related to their families, or they’re using statistics and databases, or observations by determining which numbers were often extracted, what is important in this game is to have fun. Focusing on winning only will have a negative result in this game. Just to combine fun and gambling, close your eyes and play with numbers randomly chosen.

How to form a Keno Pattern

Keno star spots
Form Keno Pattern according to your personal number pattern

Everyone enjoys using personal dates when playing lottery games. The problem with this is, if you do pick common holiday numbers, for example, 25 for Christmas, it is more than likely others have done the same thing. The more people that pick the same numbers; the more likely you will have to share the jackpot if you win.

However, this idea doesn’t apply to keno thankfully, but rather to bingo, so if you enjoy making your personal number pattern based on those special dates, go ahead. The reason this idea does not apply to the game of keno is that keno uses a payout schedule (payable or pay-scale), and it does not matter if every other person playing chose the same numbers as you did, because you will still be paid out the same.

A winning keno combination is likely to be some random combo of numbers that will never have any bearings on previous draws, but if you find using personal numbers more interesting, then go right ahead – you aren’t reducing your odds by doing so, so it can certainly make the game more enjoyable.

In a keno game, there is only one fact the biggest prize is won with the highest number of picked numbers. In this case, a total of 20 numbers (which have been established is impossible). From 6 to 10 picked numbers, any player has the opportunity to win at keno; up to 15 numbers can hit the jackpot. All keno punters have their own “lucky” numbers, on which they often play. You have to bet on big amounts if you want to win big rewards; playing on lower values will reward you with smaller gains. Here are according to statistics the hottest numbers in Keno: 61, 66, 67, 74, 3, 16, 44, 58 and 78.

Keno Patterns That Win

Winning Keno patterns
Winning Keno patterns

The game of keno is based on a high dose of unpredictability, as it is the result of an RNG; random numbers are hard to be predicted, especially since they’re the result of computer choice. Some players like to observe, determine and play with those numbers called “hot” numbers while others prefer to use complicated software programs, which they like to call “computer predictors”.

There are different types of patterns used by keno punters when they’re betting. When they’re playing using various dates related to their families, they should replace the date of birth with the year of birth, as this offers a better option (the date of birth is only up to 31). Or can play using other dates related to themselves or their families as driver’s license numbers, passport dates, address numbers, etc.

The best way to win at Keno is by playing using verified numbers, as “hot” numbers. Or just play with the dates you like or use every time. Also, a better option is to use a computer algorithm, which can make proper calculations and offer an increased chance of hitting big prizes. You have to figure out which is the best option for the Keno game and used it in the long time run. Also do not forget to have fun, as Keno is before all, a game made to offer relaxation. Play on keno using these numbers, as they’re among the best: 61, 66, 67, 74, 3, 16, 44, 58 and 78. As long as you will follow these keno patterns, your chances of winning will be at the highest rate.

Here is the Keno game guide for Australians

While players may employ different patterns and strategies when selecting numbers, it’s important to understand that these patterns do not inherently increase the chances of winning. Keno is a game of luck, and the results are determined by random probability.

The odds of winning in Keno depend on various factors, including the number of spots selected, the total spots available, and the paytable of the specific Keno game being played. Each Keno game has its own set of rules and payout structures.


Keno patterns are a popular aspect of the game that add excitement and personalization to the number selection process. However, it is important to understand that Keno patterns have no influence on the outcome of the game. Keno is a game of chance where numbers are drawn randomly using an RNG or physical ball drawing, making it impossible to predict or manipulate the results.

Each number drawn in Keno is independent of previous results, and the odds remain the same regardless of the pattern chosen.

The true essence of Keno lies in the thrill of the game and the anticipation of the numbers being drawn. Embrace Keno patterns as a fun and personal approach to number selection, but always remember that winning in Keno is based on luck rather than any predetermined patterns or strategies.


Q1. Do Keno patterns increase my chances of winning?

No, Keno patterns do not increase your chances of winning. The numbers drawn in Keno are random, and each draw is independent of previous results. Patterns are purely for personal preference and enjoyment, but they have no impact on the outcome of the game.

Q2. Are there specific Keno patterns that guarantee wins?

No, there are no specific Keno patterns that guarantee wins. Keno is a game of chance, and the numbers drawn are determined by random probability. No pattern can influence or predict the outcome of the game.

Q3. Why do players use Keno patterns if they don’t improve odds?

Players use Keno patterns as a way to add fun, variety, and personalization to their number selection process. Patterns can make the game more engaging and enjoyable, even though they have no impact on the actual results.

Q4. Can I use Keno patterns to develop a winning strategy?

Keno patterns cannot be used to develop a winning strategy since the game is purely based on luck and random number generation. It is not possible to predict or influence the outcome using patterns or any other strategy.

Q5. Should I rely on Keno patterns to choose my numbers?

Choosing numbers in Keno is a matter of personal preference. While patterns can be entertaining and add excitement to the game, it’s important to remember that they do not affect your chances of winning. Feel free to use patterns if you find them enjoyable, but understand that the outcome of each draw is random and independent.